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  5. FFH: Other tan by owning Fairfax to benefit from their increasing ownership in Bauer Hockey is there a way to invest in Bauer hockey directly? [Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited Subordinate Voting Shares]
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Q: Other tan by owning Fairfax to benefit from their increasing ownership in Bauer Hockey is there a way to invest in Bauer hockey directly? Is Fairfax a good investment on its own merits?
Thanks guys …
Asked by Bryan on October 03, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We like FFH; it is cheap and has a generally good long term record. We think only shareholders with a lot of patience should own it: it can go quiet for years at a time, but we do think it is a good 'value' stock and it has exposure to some interesting areas. We have no suggestions on how to invest in Bauer directly.