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  5. VIU: I need to expand my international exposure and would be holding the ETF in a non-registered account. [Vanguard FTSE Developed All Cap ex North America Index ETF]
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Q: I need to expand my international exposure and would be holding the ETF in a non-registered account.

What are your top 2 international ETFs (ex-north america?).
What do you think of VIU?

(Note I tried sending this in previously but not sure it went through so resubmitting)
Asked by Simon on September 26, 2024
5i Research Answer:

 We like VIU and it is our top Ex-North American pick. There are few other ex-North American options but for a CAD-hedged option we like VI. If one is fine with some Canadian exposure, VXUS or VEF could work as well.