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  5. XCH: Do you think that the recent news out of China that they are taking steps to stimulate the economy will have a positive impact on China Etf's and if so what ETF's do you think will it will benefit? [iShares China Index ETF]
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Q: Do you think that the recent news out of China that they are taking steps to stimulate the economy will have a positive impact on China Etf's and if so what ETF's do you think will it will benefit? Thank you.
Asked by Brian on September 26, 2024
5i Research Answer:

China has been introducing several different stimulus measures over the past week (considering injecting $142B of capital into its biggest state banks, other measures to support the housing market, rate cuts, and more). 

We believe Chinese equities will benefit from these moves, and we feel that further moves will be coming down the pipeline as the Chinese economy attempts to prevent a deflationary environment. 

We like MCHI and KWEB as the most liquid ETFs.