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  5. HBIL: Hi, I see Hamilton ETF has brought a new covered call ETF HBIL. [Hamilton U.S. T-Bill YIELD MAXIMIZER TM ETF]
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Q: Hi, I see Hamilton ETF has brought a new covered call ETF HBIL. Other than it being brand new, and no history, and a bit on the small side with only $10 m in AUM, what are your thoughts on this as a replacement for our HISA's.
Asked by Greg on September 23, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We think it is a decent set up. Investing in (mainly) short term government securities means high security and covered call writing enhances income. Though most of its assets are short term, it will have some degree of interest rate sensistivity. If rates were to spike, it may not do so well. We would still see option premium offsetting most of any portfolio decline, but crazy things can happen in the bond market, even with short term paper. Thus, we would not see it as exact equivalent nor replacement for a cash account.