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  5. VIU: I need to increase my international exposure. [Vanguard FTSE Developed All Cap ex North America Index ETF]
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Q: I need to increase my international exposure. My plan is to accomplish this through ETFs held in a non-registered account.

1) Can you please recommend two ETFs to achieve international exposure.

2) As a member of BMO Investorline I can access commission free ETFs and I am considering vanguard's VI ETF to increase international exposure. What are your thoughts on this ETF and how does it compare versus the ETFs recommended as part 1 of this question?

Asked by Simon on September 24, 2024
5i Research Answer:

For Canadians, we like VIU, a globally-focused ETF but specifically ex-North America. Fees are 0.22% and it is up 21.06% in the past year. VXUS is another option (ex US). VEE can be suggested for emerging markets. VI is identical to VIU but hedged to the Canadian dollar and with a marginally higher fee. We prefer unhedged products generally, but would still consider VI very acceptable for the purposes outlined in the question.