- Hammond Power Solutions Inc. Class A Subordinate Voting Shares (HPS.A)
- Crocs Inc. (CROX)
- Vertiv Holdings LLC Class A (VRT)
CROX is expected to show 10% to 15% growth over the next two years, more if it can turn Heydude around. Debt is coming down, which could boost its very low current valuation. HPS.A should see about 15%+ growth. While it is down from its April high, business is good and the last quarter was solid. VRT is still growing, but has lowered its growth rate, and the de-celeration has worried investors. It also has debt. It is still highly dependent on the growth of AI, but is priced fairly well considering its expected 25% growth rate.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in CROX, VRT.