Q: Hi Everyone at 5i!
I have a 27 year old nephew who would like to open a TFSA. He is putting $5000 in to start which he will gradually add to. He is looking for a growth ETF concentrated on the US market. Would VFV suit his needs, or should he consider something else??
I have a 27 year old nephew who would like to open a TFSA. He is putting $5000 in to start which he will gradually add to. He is looking for a growth ETF concentrated on the US market. Would VFV suit his needs, or should he consider something else??
5i Research Answer:
We would be very comfortable with VFV as a general market ETF. IUSG may also be of interest as it is specifically a growth-focused ETF. Fees are only 0.04% and it has performed slightly better than the S&P 500 over five years.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in VFV.