Holdings % of portfolio
S&P 500, hedged, equal weight ETF: ZUE 10.00%
S&P 500, hedged, ETF: CDZ 10.00%
S&P 500 unhedged ETF: EQL.T 10.00%
gold coins: I buy gold 1 Oz coins 10.00%
GICs and money market GIC 10.00%
Utilities, gas and electricity, CDA: ZUT 10.00%
High tech hedged or unhedged ETF; TB 10.00%
High Dividends CDN ETF: XBB 10.00%
Bonds ETF 10.00%
Constellation S,: CSU 4.00%
Couche-Tard: ATD 3.00%
CDN National Railway, CDN: CNR 3.00%
TOTAL 100.00%
It is difficult to predict returns, especially for a one-year period. If the market co-operates, and rates decline, we would consider the possibility of 10% total return as 'decent' with this list, but of course there are no guarantees. The GICs will of course not earn 10% nor any capital gains. Gold coins may not do anything, either. But the other assets have decent potential for sure. One additional possibility is a covered call ETF such as HDIV, which yields 12.5% so if this is maintained it can boost some of the lower-return securities in this list.