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  5. IJT: Hi there, Can you comment on the strength of small and mid caps going forward and give me 1 US and 1 Cdn etf to look at? [IJTiShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF]
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Q: Hi there,

Can you comment on the strength of small and mid caps going forward and give me 1 US and 1 Cdn etf to look at?

Ok thanks!
Asked by Robert on July 26, 2024
5i Research Answer:

The momentum in small and mid-cap has been solid since the start of July due to favourable inflation numbers, which could lead to interest rates cut earlier than expected, as a result, small and mid-cap have favourable tailwinds from the current levels. We would expect some continuation, as small caps remain very cheap relative to large caps. But this will still require some overall confidence in the market. Any marke 'worries' will delay a small cap recovery, most likely. Small-cap ETFs that we like such as IJT, IWO, VBK, XCS

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