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  5. DNG: Could you please provide your opinion on this company. [Dynacor Group Inc.]
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Q: Could you please provide your opinion on this company. They appear to have a unique model in ther metals space and have executed quite well with expansion plans on the horizon. Can you kindly outline some of the major risks aside from the location and overall size. thanks in advance.
Asked by mitchell on July 17, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We have copied below an answer from about six weeks ago. Most comments would be the same. The sector of course can be cyclical, and small cap metals companies can at times languish for years. Insiders own 9.5% and two entities own a combined 24%, so trading can be thin adding to volatility. There are always operational and environment risks in the sector (see VGCX for how bad it can get at times). But if one can accept these risks the stock reads very well: cheap, good dividend, good balance sheet, with growth potential.   


DNG at 9X earnings is quite cheap for the sector. With a 2.55% dividend that has shown some growth, a debt-free balance sheet ($27M cash) and good stock momentum, it looks good. There is only one analyst (sponsored by the company). DNG is a good little small cap gold company. Q1 Revenue of $67.7M beat estimates by 2%. DNG sees sales of $265M+ this year and it has a 10% share buyback in place. Gold sales rose 31% in April. Its small size adds risk but the fundamentals look fine here. We would consider it buyable for small cap gold investors and would rank it high amongst small caps and mid-point for the sector as a whole.