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  5. GSY: And another question about GSY, after a couple in the last day or 2. [goeasy Ltd.]
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Q: And another question about GSY, after a couple in the last day or 2. One answer was that there was no news that would explain its recent strong stock price. You have often said that new highs were a positive and not necessarily a reason to sell.....but I can't help but wonder if it is time to take profits, but of course would want to get your views. What is your current outlook for where the share price might go from here? With the rise in price, its financial matrices are thinning does it compare to other similar financial alternatives? As always, thank you for your excellent service.
Asked by Leonard on July 04, 2024
5i Research Answer:

There was news this morning, with the surprise news that the CEO would be stepping down at year end (comments posted). This adds uncertainty of course but we are sure the company will adapt. It is in solid shape to adjust to changes. The stock is still very cheap on all metrics, and the recent quarter showed continued growth. Vs large caps it is cheap and growing faster. Note it has not hit its all time high of $217 set in 2021. We would continue to view it as one of the best names in the financial sector, with some additional uncertainty today making it cheaper.