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  5. GSY: Hello, I would like a comparison analysis of these two companies on their business and which one do you think is a better business to hold for 5-10 Years? [goeasy Ltd.]
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Q: Hello,
I would like a comparison analysis of these two companies on their business and which one do you think is a better business to hold for 5-10 Years?
Asked by Danny on July 04, 2024
5i Research Answer:

GSY operates under easyhome, easyfinancial, and LendCare. It helps underserved, non-prime consumers pay bills, buy vehicles, pay for dental work, pets, furniture, or home renovations. 

PRL operates through MoneyKey and CreditFresh in the US, and Fora in Canada. It provides credit for US and Canadian consumers which are non-prime. It has a lending platform that facilitates credit products such as lines of credit, and these lines of credit are either offered by traditional banks or by PRL itself. 

Largely, due to GSY's bigger size and longer history, we would prefer GSY for a long-term hold, however, the CEO has recently announced he will be stepping down by the end of this year, and we need to reserve judgment until a replacement is announced. For now, we would give PRL the slight edge due to its strong momentum and good exposure to the US economy, however, once a replacement has been announced for GSY we can make a better assessment.