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  5. BRK.B: I am going to sell most of my u. [Berkshire Hathaway Inc.]
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Q: I am going to sell most of my u.s.stock so will have u.s. funds. where should I invest it for safety I am 87
Asked by harry on July 03, 2024
5i Research Answer:

For conservative options, we think GICs and money market fund should be the primary choice for the safety of the principal. Alternatively, some well-diversified balanced ETFs such as AOK, AOM and AOR could be another option for long-term holdings. These provide a diversified mix of bonds and stocks. Pure bond funds such as XBB can also be suggested.  On the other hand, there are also some individual names with decent downside protection and good upside potential over the long run such as BRK.B, and PM. ANY equity position will have some risk, of course, so sticking with guaranteed income investments may be the best choice for a highly conservative portfolio.