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  5. VEQT: I am looking for a US fund like VEQT , I tried VEQTF and it is listed on the grey market, what would be good in a balanced fund with majority US, Then smaller CDN and International stocks? [Vanguard All-Equity ETF Portfolio]
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Q: I am looking for a US fund like VEQT , I tried VEQTF and it is listed on the grey market, what would be good in a balanced fund with majority US, Then smaller CDN and International stocks?
Asked by Jean on June 19, 2024
5i Research Answer:

There are not many direct alternatives that we are aware of. AOA could work, although it does have a ~20% allocation towards fixed income. VT is another option which has 61.9% in US stocks, 2.7% in Canadian, and the remaining in international markets.