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  5. LLY: Time's up! [Eli Lilly and Company]
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Q: Time's up!
I've had enough of both Veeva Systems and Well Health. Down about 50% in both. Planning to cut my losses in TFSA account (grow for next 5 years) and move to LLY (full position), ISRG (half position).
This will also increase US holdings percentage in this account.

This is a follow up to the TFSA competition with my wife question from last month. :) I'd prefer not be trading too much, but just can't see these 2 companies recovering too soon, and I cannot get the long term price graph of LLY out of my mind....

Comments before I pull the trigger?


Asked by Jim on June 06, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We would consider (from today) that LLY still likely has more upside potential than the other two (at least in the short term). Positive momentum and the creation of an entire new market bode well for continued growth. 

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in VEEV.