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  5. QQQ: Hi there - between these 2 etfs, which would you consider the better buy hold forever etf? [INVESCO QQQ Trust]
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Q: Hi there - between these 2 etfs, which would you consider the better buy hold forever etf? Is there a better buy a hold forever etf other than these 2?

Asked by Michael on June 05, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We like XEQT more here as a buy and hold forever ETF. XEQT has the lower expense ratio and we also see it as less risky due to the allocation to bonds that it employs with its multi-asset approach. Both are very solid options with almost identical three-year charts, however, XWD has outperformed since inception. Other options we think are 'buy and hold forever' are broad index tracking ETFs such as SPY or QQQ. 

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in SPY.