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  5. ZUT: Retired, dividend income investor. [BMO Equal Weight Utilities Index ETF]
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Q: Retired, dividend income investor. From a value point of view, which has more rebound potential....FTS or ZUT? Ya, I know...single company vs ETF, so tough to compare. I own both and have mostly full positions, with a top up in mind for both. Just wondering which one to do first...I am leaning towards ZUT.

When I look at the charts over various timeframes, it looks to my amateur eyes, that ZUT is much more closely tied to interest rate changes. It looks like ZUT started to really take it on the chin during 2022 when interest rates were being cranked up. Also, I am hearing/reading that the worst might be over for the renewables and they might start to rebound...which would benefit ZUT (for the record, I am overweight Eric's NNRG, so I have that end of the Utility-Energy spectrum covered).

Your thoughts?
Asked by Stephen on May 28, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We think FTS has more upside potential in a rebound given that the company has a slightly higher leveraged balance sheet than a typical utility and a relatively lower valuation. However, we think a rebound in the utility sector overall is largely a bet on interest rate movements in the near term, we don’t think investors need to take additional risk on individual companies here. We think ZUT will do just fine for investors if rates start to decline and the sector rebounds, and with its divesity of course it comes with a lower risk profile.