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  5. ZWB: If TD gets overly fined and drops the stock price will that have an effect on ZWB's price,? [BMO Covered Call Canadian Banks ETF]
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Q: If TD gets overly fined and drops the stock price will that have an effect on ZWB's price,? When that one American Bank died ZWK has still not recovered.
Asked by John on May 23, 2024
5i Research Answer:

TD Bank is a 10.6% current position in ZLB so there will be an impact if it declines further. The Canadian sector is much more concentrated than the US. But the TD situation seems isolated at that specific bank, unlike last year where regional banks had a systemic problem due to the sharp rise in interest rates.

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in ZWB.