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  5. AEM: hi, what are thoughts on where gold prices are heading ( and inflation etc. [Agnico Eagle Mines Limited]
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Q: hi, what are thoughts on where gold prices are heading ( and inflation etc. ). as a former gold bug, I am finding it harder to keep holding AEM after it's humdrum "rally". are input costs these days just too much for these companies to gain any traction? has crypto gambling taken over as the doom and gloom trade/play? do you see AEM moving higher/lower in following 3 scenarios: 1 inflation stalls 2 inflation increases 3 inflation decreases ? cheers, Chris
Asked by chris on May 17, 2024
5i Research Answer:

Costs have risen across the industry, and grades have fallen vs average. But we are not so sure we would call 30% YTD 'humdrum'. AEM remains cheap, with a good dividend and growth prospects. We think gold looks fine. Post-2008 stimulus, it did take gold a few years to move, and we think its post-Covid move is just beginning. Lower US rates (if/when) will help. Gold's inflation trade did not pan out well in 2022 but we do not think gold has been impacted that much by crypto. Investors still do not 'flock' to crypto during times of crisis and we doubt they will. In non-US currencies, gold has done much better. In the scenarios we would see gold and AEM moving under #1 and #3, and less so under #2 because of its hyper -sensitivity to interest rates in that scenario.