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  5. CB: There have been questions asked about what Buffet would probably buy in Canada and 5i said that it would probably be in the energy sector. [Chubb Limited]
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Q: There have been questions asked about what Buffet would probably buy in Canada and 5i said that it would probably be in the energy sector. I wonder whether you would have an idea whether it might be in the oil side or the natural gas side? What do you think would be a likely target for him?
with appreciation
Asked by joseph on May 16, 2024
5i Research Answer:

Buffett has owned oil companies in Canada before, so SU and CNQ are likely candidates. Natural gas in Canada is a bit more of a captured market, with only limited future capacity for LNG export. Berkshire thinks 'globally' so we do not really expect a natural gas stock to be on the list. He did disclose a new position in Chubb (insurance) this week, but it is not based in Canada of course.