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  5. XBB: Peter, I am a 75 year old active and avid stock picking DIY investor and have been pretty successful thanks very much to you and the staff at 5i Research. [iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF]
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Investment Q&A

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Q: Peter, I am a 75 year old active and avid stock picking DIY investor and have been pretty successful thanks very much to you and the staff at 5i Research. However, my wife has no interest and no knowledge to manage our portfolios if something were to happen to me. And with a nod to Warren Buffett I believe I would like to leave clear instructions that our stocks be sold off and the funds invested in a passive 80/20 equity/bond (or what split would you recommend?) all in one ETF that would provide for my wife for the rest of her life.
What ETF would you recommend for this? And is one truly enough?

Thanks. David
Asked by David on April 08, 2024
5i Research Answer:

We think VBAL is a nice, simple, one stop ETF owning both bonds and stocks and with US/Intl exposure as well. It is 60/40 stocks/bonds currently. We might add a diversified bond fund such as XBB to round this out. Generally we like to limit exposure to single ETFs, but both of these are large and liquid and we would have less concern.