- Superior Plus Corp. (SPB)
- Exchange Income Corporation (EIF)
- Brookfield Renewable Corporation Class A Exchangeable Subordinate Voting Shares (BEPC)
Q: I will need to sell one or a combination of several of these stocks for my RRIF withdrawal. EIF (gain )has been good to me over the years , SPB ( loss ) hopefully Certarus acquisition will help , BEPC ( loss ), spinout , full portfolio position of BEP.UN .
Would you sell a full position of one of these or split between the 3 ( or 2 ) . How would you proceed ? Thanks Derek
Would you sell a full position of one of these or split between the 3 ( or 2 ) . How would you proceed ? Thanks Derek
5i Research Answer:
We would be comfortable selling a full position of SPB, consider the better prospects of the others.