Q: Good Day,
I currently hold CNR and JPM in my RRSP. I am considering selling CNR and topping up my JPM position with the hopes of increasing the growth profile over the next 5 -7 years. Do you believe that JPM should outperform CNR moving forward?
Thank you.
I currently hold CNR and JPM in my RRSP. I am considering selling CNR and topping up my JPM position with the hopes of increasing the growth profile over the next 5 -7 years. Do you believe that JPM should outperform CNR moving forward?
Thank you.
5i Research Answer:
It is a tough prediction, of course, and much is going to depent on rates and the economy. Both are economically sensitive, but with JPM being close to half the valuation of CNR this gives it a bit of an edge in having upside potential if things go well. So we would side with JPM but with the caveat that such a prediction over a long time period is not much more than a guess.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in JPM.