Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
Global X High Interest Savings ETF (CASH)
TD Cash Management ETF (TCSH)
With only $16M in assets, we would not yet endorse TCSH. TD indicates current yield to maturity is 5.20%. We would be less concerned about the quality of the holdings as everything is short term (less than a year, but the average holding should be much less than a year). Still, it is not guaranteed, but neither are any of the other cash ETFs. PSA's indicated yield is 4.67%. CASH is also 4.67%. Three-year GICs (locked in) pay 4.95% at the highest rate right now. HISA pays 4.49%. We are largely indifferent between these other products. Yields will vary so it is hard to rank them as comparitive rates are always changing. We would be fine with CASH, PSA, HISA in that order but as noted we think any will do.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in PSA.