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  5. BTCC.B: Its my understanding that Coinbase is serving as the custodian for a number of Bitcoin ETFs including iShares Bitcoin ETF IBIT. [Purpose Bitcoin ETF]
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Q: Its my understanding that Coinbase is serving as the custodian for a number of Bitcoin ETFs including iShares Bitcoin ETF IBIT. Does the Canadian ETF BTCC hold its own coins?
Asked by Kevin on March 01, 2024
5i Research Answer:

All of Purpose ETFs (the provider of BTCC.B) bitcoin holdings are held with Gemini Trust Company and Coinbase Custody Trust Company who serve as the Funds 'subcustodians.' Day-to-day, Purpose holds Bitcoin in secure, offline wallets, which are disconnected from the internet, significantly reducing the risk of theft.

Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in BTCC.B.