Q: Rick Reider is managing BRTR a new income etf. Does it pay a dividend or does it operate as a total return instrument? Are there any income etf's trading in the US that instead of paying a dividend provide capital gains instead similar in result to the corporate class structure from Horizons? Lastly does Horizons have any US dollar income etf with a corporate class structure and if so would you recommend it? Thank you.
5i Research Answer:
We haven't found a suitable similar total return ETF in the US. BRTR has grown to $77M in assets. It has not paid distributions but does plan to pay monthly. It is called 'total return' but is not the same as Horizons products. HXS is a Horizon fund that focuses on the S&P 500, however, and does trade in US dollars as well. Here is a list of Horizon funds. HXS would be our favourite, or DLR.U if one just wanted a cash parking vehicle.