- Vanguard S&P 500 Index ETF (VFV)
- RBC Canadian Index Fund Series F (RBF5733)
- RBC U.S. Index Fund Series F (RBF5737)
Thank you
VFV has outperformed both funds on a five-year basis, although its yield is lower than RBF5733. Both funds have a higher MER than VFV, where RBF733 has a 0.17% MER, RBF5737 at 0.21%, and VFV at 0.09%. VFV is also more liquid than both funds, with an AUM of $9.8B, whereas the RBC funds have AUMs around $2B. RBF5733 pays a higher yield of 3.5%, but it has underperformed the other two, and we see it as more of a play on yield.
For an investor that is looking for a lower cost, higher performing, more liquid, fund, we prefer VFV over both funds, however, RB5733 does have a slightly higher yield (at the expense of capital appreciation) and execution costs need to be considered.
Authors of this answer, directors, partners and/or officers of 5i Research and/or affiliated companies have a financial or other interest in VFV.