Assuming (safely), that both buy/sell orders originated from the same party, the trades resulted in a net profit of $19k, on a trade value of $3.6 mln. Are these, Day Traders ( using Margin or not ), making money on a small arbitrage? Is this type of activity not uncommon during volatile trading of a stock, like today ? Does it have a relevance to large interest in ATD stock, Or, there is just not much to read here ? I am just curious and trying to educate myself. Thank You
There is no way to determine exactly what occurred. The trade amounts do not require any disclosure. While it could have been the same party involved, it also very possibly could not have been, and we would not simply assume it was. There were only five block trades (10,000 shares of more) during the day, prior to nine market at close blocks at 4:00PM. ATD typically trades in a tight range, but the day's range was $3.40 per share, opening up a lot more trading possibilties. Volume doubled from the prior day as well, so liquidity was good for traders. But we would not read anything into this.