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Investment Q&A

Not investment advice or solicitation to buy/sell securities. Do your own due diligence and/or consult an advisor.

Q: Hello Peter and team,
Any idea why well health is trending down? For AI exposure would amzn, msft, and goog be good plays or would I be better off with etf, CHAT. Sorry i was not able to get the symbol from your search list.. Thank you
Read Answer Asked by umedali on January 23, 2025
Q: Hi 5i - what would be your top dividend paying stocks (minimum 4% yield) to invest in at the moment? My ENB position is getting too large, so would like to trim.

Thanks, Neil
Read Answer Asked by Neil on January 23, 2025
Q: Trump has said he will suspend leases for wind projects, onshore and offshore. A couple of questions in re BEPC

1. how much of BEP's projects (including those in development ) are wind

2. Of their wind projects, what proportion is in the US?

3. Given the huge ("unstoppable") demand for electrification, plus the fact Trump is not the customer buying it, does it really matter what Trump says about wind?

In short, how much damage can Trump do to my BEP stock?
Read Answer Asked by arnold on January 23, 2025
Q: Good day,

I've picked up the above on 5i recommendations, and they started as small positions, but have done very well TVK+150%, VRT+200%, POWL +120%, and 3 months on CLBT+45%. I had a bit of usd in my TFSA and put it in CLS last week, already +20%. I assume much of that due to Trumps 'promises'.

Now that these small positions have become as much as say, my initial purchase amount on BAM, is this a thing that one adds to, since my initial buy was lower? Or now that it's a larger position you just let it ride? With 5is help and my own dd, I've been doing very on my winners:losers ratio, but have a hard time determining what is a good point to add in. Are these names worth adding to before they report next? Please rank in order with which you would add to.


Read Answer Asked by James on January 23, 2025
Q: I am looking at rebalancing my portfolio. I am currently overweight Tech and financials and underweight health care, Consumer Discretionary, and Communication.

Can you please provide suggestions on which of the tech stocks you would recommend trimming (maybe Apple? priced as a growth stock but not growing much?) and which of the listed health stocks (or other) would you recommend starting a position in?

Thank you!

Read Answer Asked by Peter on January 23, 2025
Q: Dear 5i
Could you provide me with the expected earnings growth rates for the year for the above mentioned stocks .
Also would your order of buying these stocks be the same order as the expected growth rates ? In other words are there any other significant factors to consider other than growth rate for the above stated stocks that might change your order of buying ? So considering the above what would your level of conviction be from highest to lowest for these listed stocks ?
Thanks again for your valuable assistance in the challenging world of stock picking . I'm pretty sure there are quite a few of us DIY investors that would be lost without the great advice from 5i Research .
Bill C
Read Answer Asked by Bill on January 23, 2025
Q: Hi Peter…A couple of days ago FWZ announced that Adam Lundin would take on the role of Chairman of the Board of Directors. Do you think the Lundin group is signalling an intent to take complete control of Fireweed in the near future? Would you be a buyer if you were willing to accept the risks? I’m assuming at some time in the future Lundin will buy out FWZ’s minority shareholders by issuing shares in Lundin. Any comments you have would be appreciated.
Looks like your prediction of a 10 bagger is coming closer! (…but still pretty far off!)
Read Answer Asked by James on January 23, 2025
Q: In the “new Trump reality” and associated statements and his expressed policies goals for the American economy directions for the near and long term would you advise/recommend your specific portfolios content/weighting adjustments in regards to geography , type of investments , cash % and any other potentially important issues ? Or should they stay as designed before the Trump second presidency term ? Certainly Trump election has generated a lot of noise in the media including business media . Thank you for your opinion and input in this obviously concerning and confusing times .
Read Answer Asked by Miroslaw on January 23, 2025