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Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
BMO Tactical Dividend ETF Fund (ZZZD)
iShares Core Balanced ETF Portfolio (XBAL)
Vanguard Retirement Income ETF Portfolio (VRIF)
Q: Hello 5i, Could you explain what these 4 companies are about and rank them in order from best first. I just retired and am looking for one or two companies where I can sleep at night and earn some income. Thanks
Q: Is ZZZD a good long term hold for a dividend ETF, or is there a better choice?
iShares Core Canadian Short Term Bond Index ETF (XSB)
Purpose High Interest Savings Fund (PSA)
BMO Tactical Dividend ETF Fund (ZZZD)
Q: Will there be a correction before the election? Will it be as bad as the March one? No one knows for sure however many like me believe that a correction is coming and I was hoping you would have advice on where to park equity investments that I will have turned to cash. I do not intend to put it under my mattress or buy GIC’s. What are your thoughts on bond ETF’s like ZTL or so called sleep at night ETF’s like ZZZD. I would appreciate your advice on the above and suggestions on where to invest this cash in a safer investment until after the correction please. Thank you
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