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Q: I'm a 65 year old div investor with a defined pension. I'm investigating the BMO covered Call Health Care ETF (ZWHC) as a way to play the Health Care Sector as there is not much available in Cdn. I have a question on the cost of this ETF. The fact sheet states Max annual management fee of .65% and then it says an MER of .73%.
Do I add the two % up to equal 1.38% or would I just pay the MER of .73%?
I hold WELL (hoping for growth) but have been waiting quite awhile and nothing much seems to happen. I'm down (-26%). Its been good if you bought lately but if you bought back during COVID, not so much.
I know you still recommend it so should I hope for the best and wait awhile longer (hope not being much of an investment strategy) or move on? VHI seems to be moving better? Appreciate your thoughts.
Read Answer Asked by William on August 30, 2024
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