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Q: What is your opinion of ZGRO.T vs a larger asset allocation ETF such as XGRO or ZGRO for a retiree who desires monthly income with a growth component? Thanks for all your great work.
- Vanguard Growth ETF Portfolio (VGRO)
- iShares Core Growth ETF Portfolio (XGRO)
- BMO Growth ETF (ZGRO)
- TD Growth ETF Portfolio (TGRO)
Q: Could you please add FGRO ETF to your database.
I understood these 5 ETF's would have similar price performance but FGRO and TGRO outpace the other three for the last 3 Years. ZGRO, XGRO and VGRO pretty much have the same performance. Can you help explain why FGRO and TGRO have significantly outperformed the three?
I understood these 5 ETF's would have similar price performance but FGRO and TGRO outpace the other three for the last 3 Years. ZGRO, XGRO and VGRO pretty much have the same performance. Can you help explain why FGRO and TGRO have significantly outperformed the three?
Q: Dear 5i team.
Can you give me your updated views on which you prefer of the above two ETFs (or any you'd add) for this type of investment?
Many thanks for your help
Can you give me your updated views on which you prefer of the above two ETFs (or any you'd add) for this type of investment?
Many thanks for your help
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