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iShares Core MSCI All Country World ex Canada Index ETF (XAW)
BMO International Dividend ETF (ZDI)
BMO International Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF (ZDH)
BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund (ZST)
iShares Canadian Select Dividend Index ETF (XDV)
Q: I have cash from a maturing GIC and am looking at options to reinvest it. I am considering evenly investing it in these 4. Time horizon is 2 to 5 years, low to medium risk. I would appreciate your thoughts on these or if there are other ETF's to consider. Thanks!
BMO Covered Call Utilities Fund (ZWU)
BMO Equal Weight REITs Index ETF (ZRE)
BMO Europe High Dividend Covered Call Hedged to CAD ETF (ZWE)
BMO International Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF (ZDH)
BMO US High Dividend Covered Call Fund (ZWH)
iShares Diversified Monthly Income ETF (XTR)
iShares S&P/TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index ETF (CDZ)
iShares U.S. High Yield Bond Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (XHY)
BMO Canadian High Dividend Covered Call Fund (ZWC)
Mackenzie Floating Rate Income ETF (MFT)
Q: I am 72 and retired. I have been building a part of my portfolio (58.4%) for the last three years with ETFs. Current holdings are (% weight of portfolio in brackets): zwh (10.5), zwu (9.1), zwc (8.5), mft (5.9), xtr (5.3), xhy (5.2), zwe (4.7), cdz (3.2), zdh (3.2) & zre (2.9). With 24.2% cash, I plan on slowly adding to these etfs. How would you do this? The remainder of my portfolio is in dividend paying Canadian large caps.
Thanks, Jim
Thanks, Jim
BMO International Dividend ETF (ZDI)
BMO International Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF (ZDH)
Vanguard Total International Stock (VXUS)
Vanguard FTSE Developed ex North America High Dividend Yield Index ETF (VIDY)
Q: Last year, I purchased ZDH in my mother's retirement account. She is close to 80. It has been a very poor performer, significantly underperforming the international indexes. Performance seemed to be reasonable prior to the market drop in the last few months. Morningstar now rates both ZDI (unhedged) and ZDH (hedged) as two stars, and it now falls to the 4th quartile for most time periods.
I would appreciate your views about ZDH. Would you continue to hold this ETF expecting that it will start to outperform the market, or would you sell it? Do you feel that it has dropped a lot since January due to its sector composition, and will bounce back? If you would sell it, what would you recommend? Dividends are not a priority, but looking for low to medium risk.
Thanks for your excellent advice.
I would appreciate your views about ZDH. Would you continue to hold this ETF expecting that it will start to outperform the market, or would you sell it? Do you feel that it has dropped a lot since January due to its sector composition, and will bounce back? If you would sell it, what would you recommend? Dividends are not a priority, but looking for low to medium risk.
Thanks for your excellent advice.
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