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Q: Good morning, I have enjoyed and benefitted from my membership to 5I for many years. I am no longer in a position to actively manage my portfolio on a continuous basis and have been considering moving the core to an all-in- one balanced ETF like ZBAL or VBAL. The simplicity and ease of these types of ETF's appeals to me as I age. What are your thoughts on these ETF's and their place in an Seniors portfolio?
Q: I looked on Fundata on this ETF and it says
Management Fee. 0.18%
MER. 0.20 % So does that mean I’m paying .38 % in total to be deducted in total and when would that be payed and also do you think this is a decent ETF to just kind of set and forget,possibly. thanks
Management Fee. 0.18%
MER. 0.20 % So does that mean I’m paying .38 % in total to be deducted in total and when would that be payed and also do you think this is a decent ETF to just kind of set and forget,possibly. thanks
Q: Which do you prefer for a 3 to 5 year hold and why? Looking forward minimum volatility and preservation of capital. Do you have other etf to look at? Thanx.
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