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BMO S&P 500 Hedged to CAD Index ETF (ZUE)
BMO S&P 500 Index ETF (ZSP)
iShares Canadian Select Dividend Index ETF (XDV)
iShares Core Canadian Short Term Bond Index ETF (XSB)
iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
iShares Core Canadian Long Term Bond Index ETF (XLB)
iShares Core MSCI EAFE IMI Index ETF (XEF)
iShares S&P/TSX Composite High Dividend Index ETF (XEI)
iShares S&P/TSX Canadian Dividend Aristocrats Index ETF (CDZ)
iShares Short Term High Quality Canadian Bond Index ETF (XSQ)
Vanguard Canadian Short-Term Bond Index ETF (VSB)
Vanguard FTSE Canadian High Dividend Yield Index ETF (VDY)
SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)
Vanguard Canadian Long-Term Bond Index ETF (VLB)
iShares Core S&P 500 ETF (IVV)
Q: First a big thank you for the terrific returns we received in 2020 thanks to your stellar guidance (our largest holdings we first discovered through 5i -hello LSPD,XBC and WELL!). We gifted our kids memberships in December and praise your service to everyone. This is truly an invaluable service.
Now to the question, my brother is tired of paying high fees for his CIBC pension holdings. When I looked into this for him last year, some pools had MER in the 2% range! He’s moved the following into cash and is looking for lower fee/higher return alternatives in the following areas of his pension account:
-Imperial Canadian Dividend Income Pool
-Imperial Canadian Equity High Income Pool
-Imperial US Equity Pool
-Imperial International Equity Pool
-Imperial Short Term Bond Pool
-Imperial Long Term Bond Pool
Please charge as many questions as required.
Now to the question, my brother is tired of paying high fees for his CIBC pension holdings. When I looked into this for him last year, some pools had MER in the 2% range! He’s moved the following into cash and is looking for lower fee/higher return alternatives in the following areas of his pension account:
-Imperial Canadian Dividend Income Pool
-Imperial Canadian Equity High Income Pool
-Imperial US Equity Pool
-Imperial International Equity Pool
-Imperial Short Term Bond Pool
-Imperial Long Term Bond Pool
Please charge as many questions as required.
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