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5i Recent Questions
Q: I am pretty close to full positions on LIFE, XIT and XST. Also, I am sitting on <5% cash, being basically fully invested. Over the next few months I plan to top up these 3 ETFs.

In what order would you add to each of these 3, based on their current valuations, compared to their historic valuations as well as their potential?

My thoughts were LIFE, then XST, then XIT (although I suspect your order would be XIT-LIFE-XST). Please include a brief "why".

Thanks for your help...Steve
Read Answer Asked by Stephen on May 07, 2024
Q: Help me!
My wife and I have a competition running in our TFSA accounts, which we started a few years back with the same cash balance. She is using the classic passive ETF strategy, except we got pissed off with bonds and moved that portion into QQQ/ICLN (TDB900, 902, 911 & QQQ, ICLN)
I am actively (quite low turnover) trading CDN and US stocks and ETF's
She is handing me my ass!

My current holdings in the CDN account are ATS, BAM, BN, GSY, KXS, XIT, PBH, WELL, WSP and US account AAPL, TFII, VEEV

Ignoring sector allocations (which i still need to look into), please advise any Buy, Hold or Sell recommendations for my current holdings with a 5 year horizon
Read Answer Asked by Jim on May 08, 2024
Q: Good morning
these three ETFs have stellar one year performance to January 6th according to your March issue of Money Saver magazine. Do you see them topped out for the present or would you still see a buying opportunity here
Read Answer Asked by Guy R. on April 15, 2024
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