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iShares Core MSCI All Country World ex Canada Index ETF (XAW)
BMO International Dividend ETF (ZDI)
BMO International Dividend Hedged to CAD ETF (ZDH)
BMO Ultra Short-Term Bond Fund (ZST)
iShares Canadian Select Dividend Index ETF (XDV)
Q: I have cash from a maturing GIC and am looking at options to reinvest it. I am considering evenly investing it in these 4. Time horizon is 2 to 5 years, low to medium risk. I would appreciate your thoughts on these or if there are other ETF's to consider. Thanks!
iShares Canadian Select Dividend Index ETF (XDV)
iShares Core MSCI Canadian Quality Dividend Index ETF (XDIV)
Q: long time holder of XDV (15 yrs). I see XDIV has outperformed by far since its inception with similar yield and lower MER. For what is worth XDIV has a 5 star Morningstar rating vs 2 stars for XDV. Thinking of switching my XDV for XDIV. Your opinion please.
iShares Canadian Select Dividend Index ETF (XDV)
iShares S&P/TSX Composite High Dividend Index ETF (XEI)
Vanguard FTSE Canadian High Dividend Yield Index ETF (VDY)
iShares Core MSCI Canadian Quality Dividend Index ETF (XDIV)
Q: I am thinking about moving some of my portfolio to ETF's, and when I looked at CDZ holdings, I was surprised to see FSZ as their top holding - a stock you have recently seen as a sell. Do you have any suggestions for a Canadian ETF that is more about great companies with a growing Dividend and not so heavy in Financials and Telcos? Thank You!
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