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5i Recent Questions
Q: On February 9 you were asked a question to screen for mid size co. that yielded more than 3% and had good opportunity for growth in the next several years. WFC was included in that list. I have searched on TD Waterhouse for details on recent financials without success. Can you go over the companies financials over the past 5 years and where you see growth? Thank you for all you do.
Exco Technologies Limited (XTC)
Dynacor Group Inc. (DNG)
Wall Financial Corporation (WFC)
Olympia Financial Group Inc. (OLY)
Decisive Dividend Corporation (DE)
Q: Can I ask you to do a “mental screen” for a few mid-cap Cdn companies that pay over a 3% dividend while having the potential for above average growth in the medium to longer term? Please omit SIS, PBH, EIF and NWC (already owned) and leave out anything in the energy sector. I’m assuming not much in the small cap space would meet the div. criteria and not much in the large cap space meets the growth criteria, but if you think anything there is compelling please include as well. Thank you.
Q: would you recommend this to an income investor. Is the dividend safe?
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