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5i Recent Questions
Q: Received Notice Of Termination from Vanguard. Should I sell now ( if possible) or wait until termination date. , Thanks
Vanguard Global Momentum Factor ETF (VMO)
Vanguard Global Liquidity Factor ETF Units (VLQ)
Vanguard Global Value Factor ETF (VVL)
Vanguard Global Minimum Volatility ETF (VVO)
Q: I am interested in purchasing 1 or more of these 4 active Vanguard, ETF's. Can you point me to some good articles and research which would help me determine the %allocation and in which market cycles one product may be most suited. I was thinking of allocating approx. 100K to a combination of these 4. In your opinion can you rank these from 1 to 4 where 1 is the product you think is the overall best.
Q: Good Morning
Last summer Vanguard issued the above four Factor ETF's. The funds are still small; but have attractive MER's. I have very little non Canadian equities. Would you suggest any of the above four at this time? They would account for about 5% of the portfolio.
If not the above what would you recommend?
Thanks as always
Last summer Vanguard issued the above four Factor ETF's. The funds are still small; but have attractive MER's. I have very little non Canadian equities. Would you suggest any of the above four at this time? They would account for about 5% of the portfolio.
If not the above what would you recommend?
Thanks as always
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