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5i Recent Questions
iShares Core Canadian Long Term Bond Index ETF (XLB)
Vanguard Canadian Long-Term Bond Index ETF (VLB)
iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (TLT)
Q: Bond ETFs like ZAG and XBB look to be off 20% or more from highs 2 years ago. Do you see a path back to those highs? And over what period of time? The possibility of capital appreciation while collecting 3% interest has some appeal. Would interest rates actually have to decline, or could merely levelling off cause a bond ETF to rise? If you thought the stars might align say in the next 2 years, what ETF might you choose to play a capital appreciation theme (and maybe state a couple of the assumptions you are making)? Thanks,
Q: I owned VLB and I'm underwater by over 13%. Given the outlook for higher interest rates, should I sell and move on?
Q: Hello,
This is a follow -up to my previous question on VLB.
Would you sell VLB and buy PMIF?
This is a follow -up to my previous question on VLB.
Would you sell VLB and buy PMIF?
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