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Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL)
Vanguard Canadian Government Bond Index ETF (VGV)
Harvest Premium Yield Treasury ETF (HPYT)
Q: We have about 1/3 of our portfolio in a HISA earning about 4%. This was done since at our age ('50's) we decided that was the approximate amount we should have in "non-equities". But we'd like to target a low-risk return on this portion of about 6%, and HISA rates are also coming down. So we want to move this to other "non-equity" areas. What is your best suggestion on this? Bond ETF - of so which ones are best right now? Or other ideas?
iShares Core Canadian Government Bond Index ETF (XGB)
iShares Core Canadian Universe Bond Index ETF (XBB)
iShares Core U.S. Aggregate Bond ETF (AGG)
Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)
Vanguard Canadian Government Bond Index ETF (VGV)
Q: Hi Peter,
With interest rates projected to go downwards, what are your top three picks in the U.S. and Canada for bond ETFs for the next five years?
With interest rates projected to go downwards, what are your top three picks in the U.S. and Canada for bond ETFs for the next five years?
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