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5i Recent Questions
Vanguard U.S. Dividend Appreciation Index ETF (VGG)
Vanguard U.S. Dividend Appreciation Index ETF (CAD-hedged) (VGH)
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation FTF (VIG)
Q: Good Morning
Is there an unhedged version of VGH ?
Can you recommend any other unhedged ETF similar to VIG but listed in the Toronto Stock Exchange ?
Thank you
Is there an unhedged version of VGH ?
Can you recommend any other unhedged ETF similar to VIG but listed in the Toronto Stock Exchange ?
Thank you
Vanguard U.S. Dividend Appreciation Index ETF (CAD-hedged) (VGH)
Vanguard Dividend Appreciation FTF (VIG)
Q: Happy new year 5I! (this question is not urgent),
Given how far the Canadian dollar has fallen, in an RRSP is there any merit to switching a VIG to VGH if one thinks the CAD will bottom soon and then slowly work its way up by 9-10% in value over the coming years?
Thank you for all your insight in 2024!
Given how far the Canadian dollar has fallen, in an RRSP is there any merit to switching a VIG to VGH if one thinks the CAD will bottom soon and then slowly work its way up by 9-10% in value over the coming years?
Thank you for all your insight in 2024!
iShares U.S. High Dividend Equity Index ETF (CAD-Hedged) (XHD)
Vanguard U.S. Dividend Appreciation Index ETF (CAD-hedged) (VGH)
Q: hi 5i!
and happy holidays to everyone on this platform!
I am considering adding a US dividend ETF with $CDN hedge. can you give me your top picks based on 1) past performance ( long term but up to 20 years at most ) 2) "guess-timate" of future performance including fees ( and your reasoning ) 3) Net $$ assets 4) daily trading volume 5) dividend yield and 6) dividend growth.
take as many points from me as you need.
all the best
and happy holidays to everyone on this platform!
I am considering adding a US dividend ETF with $CDN hedge. can you give me your top picks based on 1) past performance ( long term but up to 20 years at most ) 2) "guess-timate" of future performance including fees ( and your reasoning ) 3) Net $$ assets 4) daily trading volume 5) dividend yield and 6) dividend growth.
take as many points from me as you need.
all the best
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