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Q: A friend is several years from retirement and is in this (quite good) finanical situation: a teacher who will get an Ontario Teachers' indexed DB pension, CPP and OAS. Owns a modest home in Toronto with no mortgage. No dependents. No debt. Can supplement income after retirement by continuing to teach at about a 20% course load. These income sources would more than cover her living expenses.
She also has an RSP that is currently managed by a financial advisor and holds mutual funds. Friend is asking if she should leave the advisor due to fees and his very conservative management. The RSP has underperformed the markets for an extended period. He sold her holdings at COVID bottom "to avoid further losses" and has said that "at her age" (about 60) she should stay away from equities and hold money market funds or bonds. Since my friend is not financially sophisticated, but is interested in learning, I am thinking a self-directed RSP holding several ETFs might be an alternative for her. Could you suggest three to five ETFs that would provide more growth potential in the 8 to 10 years before mandatory RIF conversion.
Read Answer Asked by David on March 19, 2025
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