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Q: The CEO of Telesat was interviewed on CBC radio this morning, and he discussed the Lightspeed project in detail. Previously to him, a consultant in the rural Kawartha Lakes area of Ontario described his move away from Starlink.His aversion to Elon Musk propelled him to cancel Starlink even though his replacement through Rogers isn't as good as Starlink was. I suspect this consultant isn't the only one who is disgusted with Musk, (The Ontario government's response is an excellent example.)

Now for my question: Given the toxic nature of Musk, and the need for a truly Canadian option to Starlink, would now be a good time to start to accumulate shares in TSAT? In our case, this would increase our exposure in the Telecom sector, and get in on the ground floor of what sounds like an exciting project.

Thanks as always for your insight.
Read Answer Asked by Jerry on March 24, 2025
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