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Sernova Biotherapeutics Inc. (SVA)
Gatekeeper Systems Inc. (GSI)
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Talon Metals Corp. (TLO)
Q: Portfolio Cleanup Part 10:
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
I'm embarrassed to admit that I am down 50% or more (!) on the above.......
Are there any with good rebound potential that are worth holding on to? Can you provide a short reason why for each. Thanks
Q: Can you give an update on TLO? It has been on a steady decline for the past year. Could you speculate on the reasons for the fall? They have had some recent positive news. You had previously mentioned it had some big backers, so I wonder if those backers are still holding. Wondering if it is time to cut this loose or wait for a rebound when central banks cut rates.
Q: Hi have these microcap companies in low portfolio weighting speculative account. PNRL and TLO since I think nickel will be in demand for EV batteries, and DSV as an silver developer.
Any opinion on viability of the 3 companies? Tempted to cut them loose but not in taxable account, so just looking at opportunity cost. Do you think any/all of these 3 survive for a hopefully better market for metals?
Any opinion on viability of the 3 companies? Tempted to cut them loose but not in taxable account, so just looking at opportunity cost. Do you think any/all of these 3 survive for a hopefully better market for metals?
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