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Q: Seasons Greetings 5i - I have held this TransAlta preferred for a number of years in my RRSP and I'm thinking its time to sell and reinvest elsewhere as I don't see a rebound on the horizon. It represents 1.5% of my portfolio. Portfolio analytics is suggesting I reduce my CDN holdings and increase US (3%) and INTL (15%). My investment strategy as a retiree is largely to invest in companies with track record of increasing dividends and earnings. PA also suggests I reduce exposure to financials, energy and utilities; and increase consumer defensive, healthcare, industrials and communications. I'd appreciate your thoughts on selling and where to invest. At present, I have a 3.4% position in VIS and limited healthcare in TFSA with VHT (0.5%) and UNH (0.4%). Or maybe I just add to my Algonquin position which is 2.3% and retain a decent yield? Thanks for the advice and your help this past year.
Read Answer Asked by Martha on December 11, 2019
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