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Q: Thank you for promptly answering my question on Silver Corp Metals. I have a follow up question. When a company does a "private placement" for convertible debt my understanding is that a bank/brokerage house will offer this placement to clients who have accounts with them. I guess that means that DYI investors who do their investing with a discount broker, in my case RBC, do not have access to these types of placements. Is that correct? Will that placement eventually end up on an exchange and be open to trading on that exchange? If the answer is yes then how long does it generally take for a private placement to end about on an exchange so it can trade? If the answer is no, then how does the investor who bought the private placement eventually liquidate their holding? I am just trying to get an understanding of how this works. Thanks for your help.
Q: Hello to 5 i's. I have a small position in SVM (silver crest metals) which was nicely in the green until recently and then late last week it took a big hit to the downside with the announcement of some financing to build out a new mine and a new juristriction (equador). The financing is convertible debt due in 2030 at 4.75 per cent. The stock has to go up about 30 per cent until it can convert to equity. It doesn't seem too bad for me but it seems there are people much smarter than me who sold with that announcement. Do you think the debt that SVM secured is not appropriate/or there is a better way to finance? Or are people selling for another reason, such as , exposure to Equador is too risky/SVM has built 8 mines and 3 processing plants only in China and have no experience in Latin America/ less bullish on precious metal pricing on a go forward basis, or some else? I am tempted to double my small position since the company has no debt (actually they are net cash on the balance sheet and minority equity position in New Pacific Metals, and they operate profitably. does 5 i think SVM, at current share price, is a good option for silver mining exposure?
Endeavour Silver Corp. (EDR)
MAG Silver Corp. (MAG)
Silvercorp Metals Inc. (SVM)
Fortuna Mining Corp. (FVI)
Q: looking for your favorite small cap silver stocks
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