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iShares Core Canadian Long Term Bond Index ETF (XLB)
Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (VAB)
RBC Target 2028 Canadian Corporate Bond Index ETF (RQQ)
Q: Please provide you input on the pros and cons on the difference between ETF bonds, such as RQQ, with maturity dates, vs ETF bonds, such as VAB and/or XLB, with no maturity dates. Instead of investing in GICs, which you are locked in for a period, RQQ can be bought and sold when the market opens, making it seems to be almost as good as GIC.
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Q: In Saturday's Globe and Mail, Rob Carrick recommended investing in target maturity bond ETFs which, unlike traditional bond ETFs, pay the initial investment plus interest i on the maturity date. After having seen my bond ETFs go down dramatically over the past year, this seems like a good alternative. I would like your opinion . Do you see any potential negatives for these types of bond ETFs? Are if there are any such ETFs that you would recommend?
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