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5i Recent Questions
Q: Hi,
Comparing Telus, BCE and Rogers to AT&T, Verizon and T-Mobile over the last year, the US companies seem to be outperforming (granted this is a short timeframe and others in the US top five: Comcast and Charter Communications aren't doing well either).

I was wondering if you have any thoughts about why the top three in the US are doing so much better lately than the top three in Canada. (Take credits as needed please.)

Thank you, Michael
Read Answer Asked by Michael on June 24, 2024
Q: Seeing as BCE is down, would it make sense to reduce BCE and enter into RCI.A and QBR.A. ? They seem more cyclical and are down as well. Or ride out BCE?
Read Answer Asked by John on May 07, 2024
Q: I am thinking of buying Rogers Communications for future growth in the share price. My investment horizon is more than 10 years. Would you say that Rogers is a better choice than BCE or Telus? Please explain the reasoning.

Also, is the current share price of RCI at a good price to buy it or would you wait for it to drop some more?

And what class of shares would be better to buy (Class A or Class B)? Please explain why. Thank you for your insights.
Read Answer Asked by Cathy on September 25, 2023
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