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5i Recent Questions
Q: I am looking at putting together a medium to high risk portfolio of ETF's to generate above average returns (above 9-12%) over a 5 to 10 year timeframe for a portion (5-10%) of my overall portfolio. Sector diversification is not a major consideration in this portfolio of ETF'S, more the long term growth. If I were to pick 4 or 5 what would you recommend from this list or if you have a better alternative please suggest that. I am looking to equal weight into each of the ETF's. Thanks in advance for your suggestion.
Read Answer Asked by RALPH on June 26, 2024
Q: Would you have a recommendation to replace ZUH, which would have more growth, with the understanding that it would also be higher risk either a stock or an ETF?

Thanks for your service!
Read Answer Asked by Ozzie on January 11, 2024
Q: Could you please suggest a mirror ETFs from the listing below in Canadian dollar?


Read Answer Asked by Shi on November 23, 2023
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